where I do a lot of thinking |
\ DIL-uh-tont; dil-uh-TONT; dil-uh-TON-tee; -TANT; -TAN-tee \
1. An amateur or dabbler; especially, one who follows an art or a branch of knowledge sporadically, superficially, or for amusement only.
2. An admirer or lover of the fine arts.
I am in an introspective mood right now, looking at where I have been, where I am going. Considering my long and short term goals,
my vision of myself.
You may wonder why I am
still working on my vision of me. Why I am still trying to find that elusive sense of '
Active Satisfaction'. Well, I think with having published a book I felt that my next step needed to be 'professional' - to do another book, to market my current book, develop a product line, be a teacher, move my blog to the next level of greatness. And somewhere along the way I thought that to be a professional meant I needed to focus on one thing, to develop one art further.
But that was stressing me out because in reality 1) I am a homeschool Mama of 5 kids under 10 and 2) I have never been an exclusive person, I like to artistically dabble.
And I am tired of feeling like this is not good enough, that I am not doing enough. I am tired of not being satisfied with myself. Seriously folks, in 2011 I am going to get my head around this!!!
In my introspective mode I was looking at the blogs I have bookmarked. The blogs that I visit for inspiration, for comfort, to be close to those I identify with and like. And I noticed the diversity of blogs I like:
Mama/photographers like
Shutter Sisters,
Shannon Mucha
Christian/writer/photographers like
Chatting at the sky,
Amy Voskamp
Mama/organic/life like
Soule Mama,
Walk slowly, Live Wildly
Artist/poetic/life style like
Kelly Rae Roberts,
Liz Lamoreux
Journal artists like
Alisa Burke,
Donna Downey
Lifestyle/women/artsy like
Crafty/mama/homeschooling like
Artful Parent,
Acorn Pies
Crafty/mama/shabby chic like
Ruffle and Stuff,
One Pretty Thing
Crafty/indie/mama like
I am Momma - Hear Me Roar
Artist/indie/geeky/urban like
Etsy's blog, or
Keri Smith
Poetic/artistic/photographers like
Susan Tuttle,
Misty Mawn
Mixed media/crafty/shabby chic/lifestyle like
Cynthia Shaffer,
Mixed media like
Create Mixed Media, Seth's
The Altered Page
Product photography/house style like
A Creative Mint,
All of these blogs have bits that resonate with me.
While I know my primary focus is, big picture, on motherhood and art - my style and process is really that of a dilettante. Yes, I dabble in different arts and in different styles.
I like shabby chic, artsy romantic, clean, white and urban, indie and geeky, layered, whimsical and happy, sad and decaying. I am all of these things. I love poetry - reading it and writing it. I love photography - looking and taking. I love pretty things in my hands - notebooks, altered tins filled with papers. I enjoy doing crafts. I like to write and inspire others.
am ambitious for my creativity. But I don't want to be a professional anything right now. I don't want to be 'an artist', to market and sell my book/art. I don't want a shop or to be a leader. I just want to be here, raising my kids and doing something creative everyday. And isn't that the essence of my book?
So really I am full circle again. Just this time I won't get side tracked by the idea of being an advancing professional woman. While I admire women who are professional, think Jenny Doh or Kelly Rae Roberts, I need to be real with where
I am right now. And if I am to be true to
my vision as an artistic mother, fitting creativity into my life, then I can really only be a 'dilettante'. I need to actually embrace that and save the professional ambitions for later, when my kids are grown.
I feel like I am putting my flag firmly in the ground, here I am and this is what I am. That feels freeing!!!