My computer has crashed, I don't know the cause or the exact reason, but according to the Apple specialist my computer is in 'Kernel Panic' with video distortion. Sounds pretty bad, doesn't it? I have been advised to bring it to a local MAC dr. Tommorrow is the last day of our creative writing class and then I have a playdate with 2 women I went to primary school with (our kids will play, we will be talking of course), so I will not be able to take the computer in until Monday. AHHHH. Hopefully by next week I will have the issue resolved.
In the meantime I can't process any of my current photos, so I am 'borrowing' photos from my personal photo blog that dates back a few years. Fortunately, this rust cross looks pretty much the same as it did in '07 when I took this photo. Typing on my Mother's PC & using photos from the past is pretty much all I can do until my laptop is fixed. ~sigh~
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