April 02, 2010

Win a copy of my book on CRESCENDOh

Jenny Doh is giving away a copy of my book on her blog today and tomorrow (April 2-3). So visit her, leave a comment!

Jenny has co-authored a book with Jo Packham of Where Women Create and her new website CRESCENDOh, which is wonderful. Jenny is one inspiring woman. Her vision and energy is endless!

I got my copy of the book in the mail yesterday, I can't wait to read it. I got a signed copy and it came with a free gift: a mini crocheted flower! You can get one too!

Thank you Jenny.


  1. oooooh thank you for sharing. Will pop over and take a look. I love the Crescendoh site - so much inspiration. have a fabulous weekend. :-)

  2. Shona, I left a comment on how great your book is and enjoyed visiting Jenny's blog. Have a great day!

  3. That book looks wonderful! I will look for it at Chaprters.ca As yours is as well. I am hoping to pick up a few things to begin your projects this weekend.

  4. I wish you a happy and blessed Easter! xx Gypsy Purple

  5. Thanks fr telling us! I so badly want your book! If i don't win it in a giveaway, then as soon as I start making extra money I'll get a copy.

    It looks so good!

    Happy Friday and have a Happy Easter!


  6. I can't wait to view your
    book! I hope to win, but if not, off to the book store for me!

    Hope you n' yours have a Happy Easter~


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