December 04, 2010

The beginning of a story

Once it began, it began for good
an irrevocable story
of friendships, of a marriage that lasted

and lasts still to this day
peering from the eyes of my children.

There has been an excuse made!
an attempt at an excuse,
to not move continually onward and upward,
to not apply myself, happily
within my wealth

but today I feel the cost of their decades
lived as well as could be

the sensation is open to interpretation
but the white wall around the family home
in my memory shoos me on and on
I lift my head high

their tombstone is black and faces the sky

and now that frozen moment of youth,
the beginnings of Truth,
their smiles, a maternal reminder –
‘live well, child
you have only this one, quick life’. 

By Shona Cole


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Dear Shona,
    Your poem will stay with me forever. It is profound and beautiful; it reminds me to remember my grandparents and their grandparents. To honor those who have come before us and pass on our unique teachings to our own precious children. Thank you so much for sharing this on your lovely blog. I purchased your book from Amazon a few weeks ago and am trying to carve out the time in my day to read it and be inspired!
    Amy Caldwell Allen

  2. Beautiful bittersweet words. You are a talented writer. Have a blessed weekend!

  3. Very powerful post!

  4. This one moves in me Shona.

  5. thank you all, I wrote it at 2am last night! sometimes it just comes, other times I have to work and re-work. I guess mulling over the subject matter for days helps too.

  6. As Amy says this brings to mind the people who came before us and helped shape our world.
    This is a beautiful reminder to as you so eloquently put it
    'live well'


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