My book, the Artistic Mother, is going to be on the market March 8th, 2010. I am pretty excited about it and have been thinking of ways to 'count down' to launch date. I really appreciate everyone who has encouraged me over the years, who has come to visit my blog and especially those who stay and 'follow' it. So I have decided to do a giveaway of some mixed media art and photo prints to thank you, my visitors and to mark the occasion of the publication of my first book.
Every Saturday starting December 12th, 2009 until March, 2010 I will be giving away pieces like the ones in the picture above. I will be including some collages, jewelry, fabric work and photo prints, so there should be something to please everyone.
Here is how it will work:
Followers of this blog (see 'Enjoying the view' in the side bar) gain automatic entry to the weekly giveaway. Each Saturday I will post a photo of 4 art pieces and then I’ll do a random number generation to choose the winner.
If you are picked I will announce it on this blog and show a few art pieces that you can choose between. You get to choose one of the pieces. At that point you can email me your physical address and I will get your 'prize' off to you.
This giveaway will start Saturday December 12th and run until the first Saturday in March, so there will be ample chance to win a prize.
So sign up to 'follow' this blog and you will be in the drawing. Oh, I will ship internationally :)
I have chosen to follow your blog privately, do you see the private followers in your random number generator?