January 13, 2010

Photoshoot with the kids

The freeze has passed. We are back to normal.

One thing I talk about in my book is doing photoshoots with your kids so you have shots to include in your artwork. Well, I did that just yesterday. I needed some photo for this week's Tribloom collaboration so we ventured outside to the first 60 degree day for a week. Here are some fun outtakes from that photoshoot:


  1. oh my, they are just beautiful! enjoy every joyful moment Mom...it goes by in the blink of an eye!

  2. These pictures are great. Your kids make the best models.

  3. Love seeing pics of your beautiful kids!

  4. great photos of your kids. I too take loads of photos of my sons but dont like posting them on the Net as I just think there are too many weirdos out there with technology to alter photos for other purposes. What do others mums think?

  5. these are beautiful!

  6. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Love Your Photos! Awesome!

  7. Wonderful tones in your b&w's. They are all getting so big!! I bet they had such a good time w/ this photo shoot.


  8. may g9:23 PM

    i love the photos. the first one and the second to the last are my favorites.

  9. thank you for those kind words folks.

    Lorraine, I don't know what to say on this topic. I googled it and didn't find anything conclusive. It seems like a choice that parents fall either side on. Here is a NY Times article on the subject: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/25/fashion/25facebook.html?pagewanted=1&8dpc&_r=2
    This article doesn't take a side in the debate, and I guess for now I fall on the side of feeling it is OK. I pray for my kids safety every day and do everything I can to keep them from harm in the physical world.... is it enough? is having their images online dangerous? I just don't know.

  10. well written balanced article similair to one I read in The Independent (a UK newspaper)..it is a difficult subject ..I like the idea of watermarking

  11. I...am...so...intimidated by you! Great shots, my friend. Thanks for sharing.


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