I like to use my own photos and words in my art work and I have been wanting to include more of my own drawings too. Drawing - another huge skill based art form that I want to add to my collection of interests!!! I have only 24 hours in the day, I simply can't take on another load ~ so I have been incorporating my own sketching into my kids schooling.
Basically, when they do drawing, so do I.
Our 'sketching' time doesn't usually last that long, the kids work fast and are usually pleased with what they draw. I don't want to push too much 'right and wrong' ways to draw on them as they are so young. Over the past months we did some exercises from the book 'Drawing with Children' and I let those lessons be the big baddie with rules and how tos. So when we sketch I remind them to look for line and shape and all but don't correct them when they feel they are done. Just by doing the drawing we have been improving. Here is a quick sketch I did the other day with the kids, it is not at all finished, nor will it be, but the act of sketching is helping train my eye as it does theirs.

So even if I have only a few minutes a week to sketch I like that I am working on a new skill. And eventually I would like to get to the point that I can include my own drawings in my collage work. I could even make stamps out of my drawings, oh now that is an idea!!!
On Saturday check back in for Giveaway #7 to see if you have won, all of the 'prizes' the winner gets to choose from were made in the passed two weeks!
Also I will have a tutorial on how to use the Bind It machine and more info on what I am giving away on the the One World One Heart giveaway that starts Monday, Jan 25, 2010.
I look forward to seeing your drawing/collage experaments. That's something I've been wanting to play with, but I'm primarely a pen & ink artist, and am pathetically reluctant to experament with new mediums.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I'd encourage you to try with your kids (at least the older ones) is different ways of holding their drawing tools. When I got to college I had all my art teachers telling me I should be holding my pencil (pen, charcoal, pastel, marker) differently. (the way you hold a pencil to write is not the ideal way to draw) I always had a very difficult time with that, even when I could see that it helped.
thank you for letting me in your "classroom" this day...it was so nice to see
ReplyDeletewhat a beautiful photo. My youngest has been doing drawings tonight of me and aliens with gold eyelashes!..he sat next to me and wanted to draw in my journal which was great whilst I was watching some arty videos on you tube..its great that they do it so naturally isnt it. I like to draw the shadows rather than lines but I am sure they will learn that later as like you I cant stand art rules..that is what put me off art at school....
ReplyDeleteThis post brings back so many fabulous memories of our early Homeschooling days. Here's another fun thing to do with kids...have them choose any photo or picture that they would like to draw, then turn it upside down and have them draw from that. It's interesting because instead of drawing a horse or a car, or whatever, they're simply copying a design. It's so fun to finally turn the finished drawing right side up. When I feel like I need to get back into "drawing practice" I use this method myself.
Gerushia's New World
What a wonderful way to teach the little ones - and you get to play too.
ReplyDeleteI have never even thought about sketching!
It will be fun to see your tutorial on how to use the Bind It All. Guess what I've got sitting in my closet still in it's box from Christmas. I just haven't had the time to watch the DVD it came with. Plus I'm thinking OMG it came with it's on video, maybe this is too complicated for me.
ReplyDeleteI have never ever been happy with my drawing skills. Maybe I need to be less critical and just practice and actually do it!
How nice that you are learning a new skill with your children. Your sketch is very good.
ReplyDeleteThe turning of a drawing upside as Gerushia suggested is mentioned in "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain." I tried it once 20 years ago, and it was amazing how much my drawing looked like that of the one in the book, even though I had no drawing skills, and still don't, mind you, since I never finished the book. I should pull it back out sometime and do it with my kids.
I love getting a peak into your world of homeschooling. You are such a good mom.
Your relaxed approach to learning something new makes sense. And I love how you schedule your drawing/sketch time in tune with your kids.
ReplyDeleteI love the photos you posted of the kids drawing. It is soo good to see kids out in nature drawing. Yes, what a wonderful way to be a part of their lives. It is a peaceful practice to see and record. Thanks for sharing.